


A. Term of Office

    The term of office of all elected PRISAA officers in the national, regional and provincial/city levels is three (3) years commencing upon their official assumption to office and expiring upon the election and assumption to office of their successors. by the elected PRISAA Regional and Provincial/City Presidents shall hold office for a maximum of two (2) terms which is equivalent to six (6) years. Thereafter, past PRISAA Regional or Provincial/City Presidents may serve as Ex-Officio Members of the PRISAA Regional Provincial/City Advisory Board, as the case maybe.

B. Removal from Office

    An Elected PRISAA officer may be removed from office for justifiable cause. An elected PRISAA National Association Officer may be removed from office by 2/3 votes of all the members of the national board. An elected Regional Association or Provincial/City Chapter Officer may be removed from office by 2/3 votes of the member- schools within the region or province/city, as the case maybe.

C. Filling-up of Vacancies

    A vacancy in any of the PRISAA positions which is caused by death, disability, resignation or expulsion may be filled-up upon approval of the respective PRISAA Board observing due process. The succeeding PRISAA officer shall serve the unexpired portion of the term of the officer he/she replaced which is counted as one (1) term of office.