

JuneElection/Appointment of Provincial/City Chapter Officers
 JulyElection/Appointment of Regional Association Officers
Remittance of 1st Semester Pro-rata Contributions
Submission of Regional Association Audited Financial Statements for the Previous Academic Year to the PRISAA National Office
Distribution of National Association Audited Financial Statements for the Previous Academic Year to the PRISAA Regional Association
August1st PRISAA National Board Meeting (for the AY) Organization/Re-Organization (Election/Appointment of National Officers) Approval of Annual Plan/Calendar of ActivitiesApproval of PRISAA National Office Proposed Operating Expenses Budget for the Fiscal Year Approval of PRISAA National Collegiate Games Proposed          Operating Expense Budget for the Academic Year
September to OctoberTraining and Development of Coaches, Technical Officials and Other Sports Affiliates
November to DecemberPRISAA Provincial/City Collegiate Games
  December2nd PRISAA National Board Meeting (for the AY) Final Planning for the Annual PRISAA National Collegiate Games Final Planning for the Annual PRISAA General Assembly National Summit
Remittance of 2nd Semester Pro-rata Contributions
January to FebruaryPRISAA Regional Collegiate Games PRISAA Regional Assembly/Regional Summit
MarchFollow-through Preparation for the Annual PRISAA National Collegiate Games Local Government Support Playing/Program Venues and Sports Facilities/ EquipmentAccommodation/Billeting Centers and Amenities/ UtilitiesSecurity and SafetyWorking Committees & Officiating Officials Media Advertising & MarketingFinancial Requirements & Corporate Sponsorships  
April3rd PRISAA National Board Meeting (For the AY) Final Updates for the Annual PRISAA Activities Annual PRISAA General Assembly/National Summit Annual PRISAA National Collegiate Games Annual Search for Mutya Ng PRISAA