
Protest, Penalties and Sanctions

Competition Information:

I.         EVENTS:

The Archery Competition will be competed in an Individual and Team Only.


The Archery Competition shall be conducted in accordance with the latest edition of the World Archery (formerly FITA) rules for outdoor target archery ( – EN-Book 3). Any unforeseen incidence not covered by the World Archery Rules will be dealt in accordance with the existing WAP and PRISAA Rules.


The PRISAA rules on Athlete’s and appointment of Technical Officials for eligibility to play and officiate shall apply.


a.    A regional delegation’s archery team shall consist of Youth (Boys and Girls Aged 18 and below, Year Born) and Senior (Men Team and Women Aged 19 and above but not more than 25, Year Born). A team completion shall be composed of not more than four (4) but not less than three (3) archers and a coach, However, Regions with less than 3 athletes entered can still participate in the individual events. Team trainers, archer’s personal coaches, parents and delegation team officials will not be allowed in the archer’s area and field of play during the tournament.


a. An athlete found guilty of breaking any eligibility rules
b. An athlete using equipment contravening WA rules
c. Athletes/teams repeatedly found shooting more than the permitted number of arrows per end
d. An athlete proved to have knowingly broken any rules and regulations
i. Unsportsmanlike conduct
ii. Alteration and falsification of scores
e. An athlete who persists in using dangerous method of drawing the string.


 1.70-meter distance122 cm36 arrows = 6 arrows per end
2.60-meter distance122 cm36 arrows = 6 arrows per end
3.50-meter distance80 cm36 arrows = 6 arrows per end
4.30-meter distance80 cm36 arrows = 6 arrows per end
5.1440 round 144 arrows – aggregate scores
6.Olympic Round (70 meters)122 cmSet System – 3 arrows per end 5 ends – 6 set points
7.Team Event (70 meters)122 cmSet system – 2 arrows per archer 4 ends – 5 set points
8.Mixed Team (70 meters122 cmSet System – 2 arrows per archer 4 ends – 5 set points


Archery Competitions are divided into four categories:

• Youth 18 years old below boy’s (Year Born)
• Youth 18 years old below girl’s (Year Born)
• Seniors 19 years old above men’s but not more than 25 years old.
• Seniors 19 years old above women’s but not more than 25 years old


A. Playing Venue

A minimum of 60 meters x 150 meters open field, flat surface preferably with grass is a requirement in an archery range. Archers, Equipment and Spectator’s Area must be labeled behind the waiting line. Provision for power supply and toilets is highly recommended. Safety barriers must be installed behind the target line and other safety zones.

A suggested playing field is shown below