Duties & Responsibilities
A. National Association Officers
- Chairman – acts as the Presiding Officer of all meetings of the National Board and the Annual General Assembly.
- Vice Chairman/President – acts as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Association who, in the absence of the Chairman, shall preside over the Meetings of the National Board and the Annual General Assembly.
- Vice President – assists the President in the performance of duties and responsibilities who, in the absence of the Chairman and the President, shall preside over the Meetings of the National Board and the Annual General Assembly.
- Secretary – acts as the Corporate Secretary and Records Custodian of the Association who shall be responsible for the proper recording and safekeeping of the Minutes of the Meetings of the National Board and the General Assembly. He/she performs other related duties as may be assigned by the National Board.
- Treasurer – acts as the Fund Custodian of the Association who shall be responsible for the prudent management of PRISAA financial resources based on the approved budget. Renders annual financial reports and other related reports as may be required by the National Board
- Auditor – acts as the Internal Auditor of the Association who shall be responsible for the installation of adequate internal accounting and auditing systems, and preparation of financial reports. Performs other related duties as may be assigned by the National Board.
- Public Relations Officer – shall be responsible in establishing good relationships with the media, government and non- government organizations, and the general public. He/she is also responsible for the preparation of documentary and press releases covering the different activities of the Association. Performs other related duties as may be assigned by the National Board.
- Marketing/Promotions Officer – shall be responsible in promoting the projects, programs and activities of the Association to prospective sponsors and supporters. Performs other related duties as may be assigned by the National Board.
- Secretary General – acts as the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the Association who shall be responsible for the successful management and operation of the National Secretariat. He/she supervises the national office staff in the performance of duties and responsibilities, and renders periodic reports. Coordinates with the Regional Associations on all matters concerning their projects, programs and activities. Performs other related duties as may be assigned by the National Board.
- National Executive Director – acts as the Chief Technical Officer (CTO) of the Association who shall be responsible for the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of sports projects, programs and activities of PRISAA. He/she supervises the Screening Committee regarding eligibility of athletes and participants, Tournament Managers in the performance of duties and responsibilities, and renders reports. Coordinates with the National Sports Associations (NSAs) regarding the management and technical requirements of the different sports and events, and Regional Associations on all matters concerning their sports projects, programs and activities. He/she also acts as Chairman, Protests Committee with the Tournament Managers as members and decides on all technical questions pertaining to the conduct of games and competitions. Performs other related duties as may be assigned by the National Board.
B. Regional Association and Provincial/City Chapter Officers
The duties and responsibilities of Regional Association and Provincial/City Chapter Officers may be patterned from those of the National Association Officers.
C. National Secretariat
The National Secretariat headed by the Secretary General shall serve as the center of administrative operations of the Association in collaboration with the National Executive Director. It shall coordinate with all the Regional Associations regarding their school memberships, fees, dues and pro-rata contributions, projects, programs and activities, and participation in PRISAA competitions.
D. National Organizing Committee
The National Organizing Committee headed by the Vice Chairman/National President is organized to oversee the successful management and conduct of the Annual PRISAA National Collegiate Games.
E. Working Committees
The PRISAA Working Committees composed of the Administrative and Technical Working Committees are directly responsible in the successful management and conduct of the PRISAA National Collegiate Games. The Administrative and Technical Working Committees are under the direct management, supervision and control of the Project Director and National Executive Director, respectively. These are as follows:
1. Administrative Working Committees
a. Accommodation
a.1 identify and negotiate the use of probable accommodation centers.
a.2 coordinate the stay of athletes and officials for the
duration of the games
a.3 provide the needs of athletes and officials staying in the
different accommodation centers
a.4 inspect the upkeep and maintenance of accommodation
B. Budget and Finance
b.1 prepare cash budget for the PRISAA National Collegiate Games
b.2 identify possible funding sources
b.3 release/disburse funds based on approved budget and availability of funds
b.4 monitor regularly the finances of the national games b.5 maintain financial records
b.6 prepare financial reports at the conclusion of national games and as deemed appropriate
C. Foods & Drinks / Catering
c.1 identify prospective caterers
c.2 negotiate with prospective caterers taking into consideration the proposed daily menu and cost c.3 arrange a meeting between the delegation heads and prospective caterers
c.4 monitor closely the preparation and serving of foods, and compliance to agreed menu, quality, quantity and sanitation
c.5 ensure the availability of potable drinking water in the athletes quarters
D. Media Relations
d.1 promote the conduct of the PRISAA National Collegiate Games