1. National Association Officers
The National Association Officers shall be elected by the Regional Association Presidents present and constituting a quorum during the Meeting of the National Board. The elected National Association Officers shall come from among the elected Regional Association Presidents.
2. Regional Association Officers
The Regional Association Officers shall be elected by the Provincial/City Chapter Presidents, or Presidents of member-schools in the region or their duly authorized representatives present and constituting a quorum during the meeting of the Regional Board. The elected Regional Association Officers shall come from among the elected Provincial/City Chapter Presidents, or Presidents of member- schools or their duly authorized representatives in the region
3. Provincial/City Chapter Officers
The Provincial/City Chapter Officers shall be elected by the presidents of member-schools in the province/city or their duly authorized representatives present and constituting a quorum during the meeting of the provincial/city board. The elected Provincial/City Chapter Officers shall come from among the presidents of member- schools or their duly authorized representatives in the province/city.