The aforementioned Tournament shall be conducted in accordance with the latest International Rules of Football Federation (FIFA) Rules and the Regulations of International competitions as modified by and/or supplemented in the guidelines stated hereunder
Any unforeseen event not covered by the rules shall be dealt with as follows:
1.1. Cases of general nature shall be resolved in accordance with the PRISAA Games Rules
1.2. Technical question shall be referred to and resolved by the Tournament Director
1.3. In cases of problems not covered by FIFA and PRISAA Games rules, the final decision shall rest with the Technical Committee composed of the Referees, the Tournament Director and the National Executive Director in consultation with the Executive Board.
The players’ eligibility shall be in accordance with the eligibility rules of PRISAA.
2.1. Each participating region shall be entitled to register eighteen (18) players for the team event
2.2. Participating teams must submit their official and final line up during the General Technical Meeting of Coaches and Referees which shall be held on the date and place specified by the Management Board.
2.3. Drawing of lots shall immediately take place to be able to determine the teams to play during the first
day and the complete schedule of the games for the entire meet be distributed the following day.
2.4. Each team must submit its PRISAA National Games Entry Form (Official Line-up) with eleven (11)
Players and three (3) Team Officials.
A team shall be composed of the following:
18 Players
3 Team Officials (Head Coach & Trainer/ Team Manager)
4.1. Should there be only three (3) or four (4) teams entries, teams will play single round robin. The number of wins against the number of loses shall determine the Champion. If there will three (3) or more ties, the tie breaker system for baseball shall apply. Should there be a simple tie, the Win Over The Other Rule shall apply. Other provision of the rules is hereby expressed.
4.2. If a match ends in a “draw” after the regulation time, there shall be an extension of fifteen (15) minutes of two halves.
4.3. If a “draw” still exists after the extension, a “PENALTY KICK” from the penalty mark shall apply. Should the tie still exist, the “Sudden Death” (Shoot Off) shall take effect.
4.4. The Tournament Director is given the prerogative to change and make variations of the tournament format to be able to finish the games within the prescribed period.
5.1. The following points shall be taken into account to decide the ranking:
Match Won – 3 points
Match Lost – 1 point for draw
Match forfeited/ defaulted /withdrawn – O point for loser
5.2. If a team voluntarily declares its game forfeited during the match, it will be excluded from the competition and all the result of the matches already played will be nullified. The opponent will be declared the winner of the match.
Football match shall be played on a Ninety (90) Minutes time divided into two (2) halves of forty five (45) minutes each with an interval of five (5) minutes.
7. SUBSTITUTION (Bench / Technical Area)
Not more than three (3) players may be substituted during the match including extension time. From the seven (7) named reserved who must be declared before the tournament of each match.
6.1. RULES: 6.1.1. The competition shall be conducted in accordance with the International FIFA Rules. All necessary interpretation shall be made during the General Technical Meeting.
6.1.2. A team without a “registered team official” i.e., Team Manager, Head Coach or Trainer, before the start of the match, will lost the game by default. “No Coach, No Play Rule shall apply”. 12 PRISAA Governing Guidelines for Sports Competitions
6.1.3. A team that walks out before or during the match will be excluded from the championship round. The rule applies starting from the preliminary games up to the championship.
6.2. BALL: The Organizer shall decide on the brand of the ball to be used as PRISAA National Games Official Ball.
6.3. UNIFORM: 6.3.1. The playing uniform must be numbered in conformity with the FIFA General Regulations. The number registered on the O-2 bis form must be the same number on the player’s jersey (uniform).
6.3.2. Participating region must wear the color of their respective region/School.
6.4. DRESS CODE: The Team Officials on the bench must wear polo shirts or T-shirt with collar, leather or rubber shoes with socks. Team officials who are in short pant or on slippers will not be allowed to sit on the player’s bench.
1.1. Participants must refrain from actions or attitudes aimed at influencing the decision of the referee or covering up faults committed by their team (Rule 21.3)
1.2. Use of profane language or any derogatory remarks addressed to the officiating officials during the game shall be subjected to penalty in accordance with the sanction scale.
1.3. Any member of the team found to be under the influence of Liquor or drugs shall not be allowed to sit on the bench.
1.4. In case of a “Free for All” where the referee could not identify the player who started the fight, the following rules will take effect:
“In any match played, both teams shall lose the game and will be banned from the
1.5. All forms of misconduct during competition shall be subject to sanction in accordance with FIFA Sanction Scale.
1.6. A player who receives two (2) cautions (yellow card) shall automatically be suspended for the match following the match of which he receives the second caution card.
1.7. A player who is expelled from the field of play by the referee shall be suspended for the next match.
1.8. Disciplinary measures such as cautions, expulsion, and suspension of players and officials shall be carried to the semi-final and final round.
2.1. All protest must be presented in writing within two (2) hours after the game in question and be handed over to the Tournament Director. A protest bond of Fifty Thousand Pesos (P50,000.00) shall be posted before a protest will be accepted and be acted upon. The burden of proof lies on the protestee. If the protest is won, the bond shall be returned to the protestee. If the protest of The team losing the protest shall pay the amount of P50,000.00 as penalty of fielding ineligible player plus forfeiture of all the games played where the said player has played. No Protest on judgment call of
the Referee will be entertained.
2.2. Protest on “technicality” will be entertained and be resolved by the Tournament Director immediately.
2.3. Protest on “eligibility” shall be directed to the Chairman, Eligibility and Screening Committee.
3.1. All teams and players must be within the vicinity of the Football field 45 minutes prior to their scheduled game. Fifteen (15) minutes prior to the match, the Official Referee will conduct the presentation and other game proceedings. Games shall start as scheduled.
3.2. Non-appearance of a team after the fifteen (15) minutes grace period will automatically forfeit its game with the score of 3-0 in favor of the opposing team. The Committee will meet immediately to decide on an appropriate sanction to the offending team.
3.3. If the match has to be suspended as a result of incident (walk-over, lack of order, spectators invading the playing field, etc.) the commissioner must decide within 24 hours and determine the action to be taken.
3.4. Should there be a need to award a match to the opponent, three (3) points shall be awarded with the score of 3-0 or possibly more if the score at that time of the stoppage shown a greater number of goals for the team declared the winner.
4.1. It is recommended that all participating teams must provide themselves their medical team or a medical Kit.
4.2. The Medical Treatment On The Field:
If the player needs medical treatment on the field of play during the match, the following procedures must be observed: The team doctor or therapist and its assistants shall be allowed to leave the bench and attend the injured player only upon signal from the referee.
4.2.2. Only the goal keeper can be treated inside the field of play.
Winners of the matches shall be awarded the following:
Champion – Gold Medal & Certificate for the players 1
1st Runner-Up – Silver Medal & Certificate for the players
2nd Runner-Up – Bronze Medal & Certificate for the players
Certificate of Achievement to the members of the Best Players
Certificate of Achievement will be awarded to the Most Valuable Player (MVP) or Most Outstanding Athlete
Victory ceremonies will follow immediately after the conclusion of the tournament.
8.1. The FIFA protocol shall be adapted during the preliminary and the championship matches.
8.2. At the end of the match, team captains shall congratulate and shake hands with the Referees, a gesture of sportsmanship, and sign the score sheet to ratify the result of the match.
As regards the specific items not expressly foreseen in this regulation, the Tournament Director will decide in consultation with the General Rules and Guidelines of PRISAA National Games and FIFA and National Executive Director.
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