Ground Rules
1. The Official University ID of the College or the University Student ID will be honored to determine the players’ identity.
2. Only the Official Coach assigned to the sport event is allowed to accompany the players in the benches (Note: The official coach must be a college officer, team captain, and/or a Regional/National PRISAA Athlete.
3. The last Intramurals’ ranking per event shall be used in SEEDING the events. A Double Elimination format will be applied for all racket and ball games.
4. All players must wear the current (University) official uniform required for the event where they are to participate/play. The front side of the upper garment shall specifically bear the college name and Jersey number, and the back side shall bear his/her surname and corresponding number. NOTE: Handwritten surname, number and college name attached to the uniform shall not be allowed. The use of masking tape to replace the prints in the uniform shall not also be allowed.
- The color of the jersey of each team must bear the dominant color of their respective departments.
- The color of the jersey worn by the soccer goalkeepers and volleyball libero’s must be in contrast with the color of the official design.
- Drafting new design will be optional, thus Intramurals 2022 jerseys worn will still be allowed. (Note: If a college – department chose to draft a new design make sure that the college – department submits their new design during the initial screening.)
5. Only the Players submitted in the Official Gallery in their specific sport events are allowed to participate. Hence, the players are only allowed to participate in one (1) sports event.
6. The official time scheduled for the game events shall be strictly followed.
- A Five (5)—minute defaulting time shall be imposed. A team must be able to meet the minimum number of players before the said defaulting time. If both teams fail to meet the minimum number of players in the said defaulting time, a ten (10)-minute grace period will be given. The team with the most number of players present shall be declared as the winner after the grace period has elapsed.
- GAME OF SUCCESSION shall be strictly applied in each sports event. – NOTE: regardless of the scheduled time, the team must be complete and present one game ahead of their scheduled time.
7. If there is/are no participant/s in a specific game, the college will not be given any points during the game.
8. In case of injury during the game, a maximum of ten (10) — minute rest shall be given. (Note: If there’s a substitute player, he/she must be in the official list of the participants/players for that event. If there’s no substitute, the game shall continue with/without the injured player).
9. The use of FOUL WORDS during the games is strictly prohibited. Otherwise the player(s) will be suspended to play for the whole duration of the game for that day. The game official shall determine whether the player will be suspended or not for the violation of this guideline. – NOTE: If there is a violation to this guideline, a first warning or yellow card will be given first to the player by the game official.
10. The decision of the GAME OFFICIAL shall be final. The team captain and the coach are the only persons allowed to question the final decision.
11. A screening of players shall be conducted before commencing every game of each event.
12. Officials are authorized to stop the game in case of violation of the guidelines found during the game. The college which has violated any guideline shall automatically be disqualified. If a college has violated the guidelines twice in an event, the team will automatically be placed last for the event.