Meetings & Assemblies



A. Regular Meetings

    The PRISAA National, Regional and Provincial/City Boards shall hold three (3) regular meetings during the academic year at a date, time and place designated by the Chairman for the National Association and respective Presidents for the Regional Associations and Provincial/City Chapters.

B. Annual Regional Assemblies

    The annual Regional Assemblies shall be held in February of each academic year or prior to the opening of the respective annual PRISAA Regional Collegiate Games.

C. Annual General Assembly / National Summit

    The Annual General Assembly / National Summit shall be held in April of each academic year or prior to the opening of the Annual PRISAA National Collegiate Games.

D. Special Meetings

    Special Meetings of the PRISAA National Board may be called by the Chairman or at the request of at least five (5) members of the board.

    Special meetings of the PRISAA Regional and Provincial/City Boards may be called by their respective President or at the request of at least three (3) members of the board.

E. Quorum to Transact Official Business

    Majority of all the members of the board in the national, regional or provincial/city level constitute a quorum to transact official business for their respective association. Majority shall mean fifty percent (50%) plus one.