
A. General Rules and Regulations

Specific Rules  

  1.   The speech of the contestant must be based on the theme to be determined by the PRISAA National Executive Committee.  For PRISAA 2024, the theme is:  “RETURN TO PRISAA COMPETITIONS AMIDST THE CHALLENGES OF THE TIMES”
  2. All oratorical pieces must be original.
  3. The oratorical competition will be conducted in person.
  4. The contestants must be in the identified venue at least 30 minutes before the start of the competition to give time for drawing of lots and for technical checking.
  5. The delivery time must be between five (5) and seven (7) minutes.  One-point deduction per minute of extension will be applied during the contest.
  6. Contestants must memorize their contest piece.
  7. Appropriate costume to identify the character may be used.
  8. All speeches must be 500 to 1000 words in length (using font Times New Roman, font size 12).
  9. Four (4) copies of the contestant’s oratorical pieces must be submitted to the committee before the contest begins.  Otherwise, three (3) points will be deducted from the contestant’s total score.
  10. All winning pieces shall become the property of the PRISAA National Executive Committee
  11. The criteria for judging:

Content                                                                                    40%

  • Substance/relevance to the theme
  • Organization
  • Persuasiveness

Delivery                                                                                    30%

  • Voice
  • Pronunciation/articulation

Craftsmanship                                                                          20%

  • Use of appropriate language
  • Style/clarity
  • Virtual stage presence

Personality                                                                               10%

  • Posture/gesture
  • Eye contact

Total                                                      100%

10.  Winners:

                        Champion                     –    Trophy and Certificate

                        First Runner-Up           –    Trophy and Certificate

                        Second Runner-Up     –     Trophy and Certificate

*Each delegate will receive a certificate of participation.