Protests, Penalties & Sanctions

Protests, Penalties & Sanctions

1. Protest on eligibility must be filed before the start of the second game and must be addressed to the Athletic Coordinator. Protest filed after prescribed period shall not affect the scheduled games. However, the case shall be pursued accordingly after the meet.

2. Protests on technicalities arising from the Protests on technicalities arising from the games s games shall be resolved in the following manner: hall be resolved in the following manner:

  • The Tournament Manager concerned is empowered to conduct on-the-spot investigation and decide immediately on a investigation and decide immediately on any protest to disrupt the progress of the games.
  • If the protesting party is not satisfied with the decision of the decision of the Tournament Manager, a formal protest signed by the coach concerned and the head of the delegation, may be filled with Board of Appeals not later than 12 hours after the incident. The decision of Board of Appeals shall be decision of Board of Appeals shall be deemed final. deemed final. The Board of Appeals shall be The Board of Appeals shall be composed of the grievance committee and composed of the grievance committee and Executive A Executive Athletic Chairperson athletic Chairperson.
  • A bond of Php. 3,000.00 shall be required together with the formal with the formal complaint complaint attached with evidences.

3. The corresponding sanctions for violations of rules and regulations are as follows:

  • Eligibility Rules – Suspension or permanent disqualification of athlete, coaches and officials who will be found guilty without prejudice to the filing of to the filing of administrative charges. All games wherein ineligible player competed shall be forfeited. The decision of Board of Appeals is final.
  • Technical and Playing Rules – In the case of team In the case of team sports, the game of the guilty sports, the game of the guilty athlete / player or official involved will be forfeited in favor of the opposing led in favor of the opposing team(s). In the case of individual sports, the result will be nullified in favor of the athlete who placed runner-up to the guilty athlete.

4. It should be noted by all concerned that undesirable behaviors exhibited by an athlete, coach, official or spectator are punishable under the technical rules of the game and critical rules of the game and that such behaviors which are deemed contrary to such rules shall merit the corresponding appropriate sanctions. Such behaviors could include, sanctions. Such behaviors could include, but not li but not limited, to roughness, use of indecent committed, to roughness, use of indecent or profane languages and gestures, participation in a game while under the influence of alcoholic drink and other boisterous and unsportsmanlike conduct contrary to the values being act contrary to the values being promoted in the meet. Suspension or permanent disqualification from further participation in the games shall be applied to the offenders, as the shall be applied to the offenders, as the appropriate. the meet officials may deem proper.

5. If the school is found to be guilty of tolerating any any irregularities and violation of PRISAA on PRISAA rules;

  1. 1st offense – a fine of Php 3,000.00 and the chance to participate in the particular event will be forfeited.
  1. 2nd offense – a fine of Php 4, offense – a fine of Php 4,000.00 and suspension for 1 meet in the particular event.
  2. 3rd offense – a fine of Php 5,000.00 and suspension for one year in all events.

6. A fine of Php.1,000.00 shall be imposed on a team or player who abandons a scheduled game without valid reason.

7. All officiating and coaches shall observe the Code of Conduct and proper decorum anywhere and anytime and must serve as model to the athletes/players.

8. Coaches have the right to file a protest on any game played by contested player, provided, that the protesting party is equipped with sufficient evidence.


1. The international rules and regulations of the different sports events shall govern the conduct of the meet. However, international rules that were amended by “ground rules” shall be adopted to suit local conditions. Ground rules supersede international rules.

2. Ground rules shall be agreed upon during the technical meeting presided by respective Cal meeting Tournament Managers of different events. It must be signed by the coaches of the teams and approved by Athletic Chairman.